Pro-abortion Commission says Bill to protect disabled babies is "incompatible" with human rights

The so-called ‘Human Rights Commission’ in Northern Ireland (NIHRC) has told the Stormont Assembly that a Bill to protect disabled unborn babies is “incompatible” with human rights

Under the new law that was forced on Northern Ireland from Westminster (Section 9 of the Executive Formation Act) there is no time limit on abortion in cases of disabilities. The baby can be killed at any stage throughout the nine months of pregnancy, right up to moment of birth.

A Bill proposed by DUP Assembly Member Paul Givan – the Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion (Amendment) Bill - aims to protect unborn babies from abortion in cases of disabilities like Down’s syndrome.

Mr Givan criticised the Westminster legislation, saying it suggests the "lives of people with disabilities are less valuable and worthy of protection than the lives of people without disabilities".

His Bill has been backed by disability rights campaigners, including Heidi Crowter who has Down's syndrome and is taking separate legal action against the UK government.

The Stormont Assembly had asked the NIHRC to give advice on the Bill.

In a written submission, the Commission said the Bill is "incompatible with the UK's obligations” and protecting babies from abortion in cases of disability may violate the European Convention on Human Rights.

The Commission also said that because babies with disabilities are aborted in other parts of the UK, then disabled babies should be also be aborted locally in Northern Ireland.

Even if the Stormont Bill is passed by the NI Assembly, the Commission said Secretary of State Brandon Lewis could still block the Bill becoming law if he decides not to submit it for royal assent.

Precious Life has been exposing the Commission’s abortion agenda since 1999. For years the Commission tried to deny it, but now they unashamedly admit they want abortion right up to the moment of birth.

The pro-abortion NIHRC deny babies in the womb the most basic and fundamental human right of all - the right to life - without it, all other rights are meaningless!

Precious Life will continue exposing the pro-abortion agenda of the so-called Human Rights Commission. We will continue campaigning to REPEAL SECTION 9 and restore full legal protection and human rights for ALL unborn babies in Northern Ireland.

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