Northern Ireland projected to have the largest decrease of children
[See related story - Department of Health admits killing 2,792 babies in a year]
The most recent official statistic for the number of abortions in Northern Ireland is 8,490 babies killed since 2020. This figure was released in May 2024 so that number will now be higher.
It has now been revealed in a report by the official statistics agency that Northern Ireland’s population will start falling due to a low birth rate. Among the constituent parts of the UK, Northern Ireland is projected to have the largest decrease in the population of children.
The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency says that in only 6 years from now there will be more deaths than births each year, and that trend will then continue. Any population increase after 2031 would solely be due to migration.
The projections show that in only two years from now (2027) the number of pensioners is expected to outnumber children.
The 'working age' population (people aged 16 – 64) is projected to start falling by the middle of 2028.
The number of children is projected to fall to less than one in six of the entire population by the year 2047.
As Northern Ireland faces this 'decreasing population' crisis, babies continue to be killed here EVERY DAY.
The abortion law forced on Northern Ireland by Westminster in 2020 is one of the most extreme in the world, and this horrific killing of thousands of our children is supported by Sinn Fein, SDLP, Alliance Party, Green Party, PBP, and members of the UUP.
Killing our children is first and foremost evil. But when its adds to already falling birth rates, it also has serious repercussions from an economic and social point of view. The “replacement level” is the level at which a population replaces itself from one generation to the next. When our birth rates fall below the replacement rate, this means we are a dying civilization.