Theresa May pledges £200 MILLION for family planning in Africa
The UK Government's misguided, corrupt policy of spending vast sums of aid money on pushing contraception and abortion on developing nations continues...
The UK Government's misguided, corrupt policy of spending vast sums of aid money on pushing contraception and abortion on developing nations continues...
A billboard that specifically targets black women for abortion has been slammed as “abortion racism” and as promoting genocide.
Precious Life have labelled ‘disgraceful’ and ‘totally unacceptable’ the Scottish Government’s announcement that they will not only facilitate the killing of Northern Ireland’s unborn babies through abortion, but will also pay expenses for travel and acco
Beautiful baby Theo, now almost six months old, was born at just 26 weeks and five days and was smaller than his Dad’s hand.
NARAL’s Oregan affiliate has joined forces with a Portland ice cream shop to raise money via a custom, limited-edition ice cream flavour ‘Rocky Roe V Wade’, named after Roe V. Wade, the landmark ruling by the Supreme Court to legalise abortion in the USA