Court Case Postponed
The judicial review of a mother who helped her 15-year-old daughter procure abortion pills online has been postponed to Autumn.
The judicial review of a mother who helped her 15-year-old daughter procure abortion pills online has been postponed to Autumn.
In the 50th year of legalised abortion in the UK, Precious Life members travelled to the 5th annual March for Life UK last Saturday to be united with all those pro-lifers fervently fighting against a culture of death in the UK
A new British study by Patrick S. Carroll and colleagues shows a high correlation with abortion and breast cancer that remains ignored or denied in our so-called “politically correct” society.
On Wednesday 17th May, a group of doctors in Rohtak, India decided that a 10-year-old rape victim, who was very unfortunately and inhumanely raped by her stepfather, should be permitted to have an abortion.
Precious Life say there is no credibility to a study published in the British Medical Journal on research from the University of Texas, which claimed that so-called “online abortion services” can offer an alternative to unsafe methods of abortion.