PSNI carry out a review of warning scheme
The review of Police Information Notices (PIN) was launched in March after a legal challenge was brought by pro-life campaigners opposed to the Marie Stopes clinic in Belfast.
The review of Police Information Notices (PIN) was launched in March after a legal challenge was brought by pro-life campaigners opposed to the Marie Stopes clinic in Belfast.
A young woman and her mother have lost a Court of Appeal challenge against a ruling that prevents women from Northern Ireland receiving free abortions on the NHS in England.
Two undercover videos have shown members of largest US abortion provider admitting to using partial birth abortion in order to be able to sell intact baby parts.
The British Pregnancy Advisory Service has claimed an unnamed abortion clinic in the UK is to close'.
A young mother with terminal cancer has died clasping the babygrow of the miracle daughter she gave birth to just 16 days ago.