Public Prosecution Service drop all complaints and charges of alleged ‘harassment’ against ‘Stop Marie Stopes Campaign’ counsellor Alicea Brennan and others.
Public Prosecution Service drop all complaints and charges of alleged ‘harassment’ against ‘Stop Marie Stopes Campaign’ counsellor Alicea Brennan and others.
Join us from 22nd - 29th July on our tour through the 6 counties spreading the culture of life.
A mother who fell pregnant aged just 17 has revealed she spent her £200 birthday money sourcing an operation with a private doctor to save her unborn baby's life.
You’ve Rallied for Life, now it’s time to get involved, right where you live, in protecting mothers and babies against abortion!
Catholic leaders have praised the large turnout at a Rally for Life, saying that it should give the Irish government and civic leaders reason to pause before trying any attempt to relax abortion laws.