Precious Life to Protest SDLP over their failure to stop abortion law
There is a huge amount of public frustration and heartbreak over the imposition of abortion on Northern Ireland, and much of this is directed at the SDLP
There is a huge amount of public frustration and heartbreak over the imposition of abortion on Northern Ireland, and much of this is directed at the SDLP
Just ONE DAY after Westminster's anti-democratic abortion regime was forced on Northern Ireland, a mother who bought illegal abortion pills for her daughter, back in 2013, was acquitted.
The medical community in Northern Ireland is fighting back in defence of life after a radical late-term abortion regime was forced on the previously pro-life province on Monday (21st Oct).
Following the imposition of a barbaric, cruel and extreme abortion law on Northern Ireland which has legalised abortion up to 28 weeks (7 months), Precious Life has highlighted the blinding contradiction between these two decisions.
"This is a tragic day for the unborn children who will now never bless our world with their unique and precious lives. It is also a sad day for our local democracy."